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FaithSing News

12 March 2023

Another month, another new song! Check out "Tranfigured". We had hoped to have this out before the 2nd Sunday of lent (to go with the Gospel reading), but other factors got in the way.

9 Feb 2023

Check out our new song "Come and Join in My Song"! Also, we have recently remixed one of our old songs, from way back in 2007 "Your Body" to improve the quality

27 Feb 2022

We have a new song! "Open Up to the Kingdom" features John on vocals. We hope it inspires you.

10 Sep 2019

"Be the Gift You Are" is finally finished! A number of other things, for which we apologise, got in the way of getting it to you earlier. We hope it inspires you to be part of God's process!

16 Dec 2018

"Jesus You are the One", featuring Clare on vocals is now finished and available. Have a listen!

27 Sep 2017

Have a listen to John's new single (secular, but compatible with Christianity) on SPOTIFY

13 Jul 2017

Our song "Remember I Am With You" is finally finished! We hope you enjoy it.

3 Jun 2017

We have a new song for you - "Trust You", featuring John on vocals. This song underlines our dependence on God and our need to trust in the Lord, whatever happens.

9 Apr 2017

"Love Is More", featuring Marianne on vocals, is finally finished. Have a listen! Visit our facebook page and let us know what you think!

17 Feb 2017

Our new song, Breathe Love Into Our Hearts, featuring Emma on vocals is finally finished and available for you to enjoy. The delay in getting it up was partly due to studio refurbishment and partly due to a decision to change the key of the song part way through the recording process.

10 Jul 2016

Our new song, "Who You Made Us" is finally finished. We hope it speaks to you in some way.

30 Mar 2016

Our new song, "If We Enter the Mystery" is now up for you to listen to. We hope you enjoy it!

12 March 2016

After a long break we have news for you. Our new song, "Reach Out" featuring Emma on vocals, is up on the site for you to enjoy. Furthermore, we have a couple of other songs in the pipeline as well - more about those later. Sorry about the long gap in communication - we have been involved in other projects, including the recording of a CD for a choir. Now we are back on deck and ready to bring you lots more music to enhance your faith experience!

31 May 2015

Our new song, "What We Need" is up - we hope you like it. We have another song in the pipeline, called "Grace" that will hopefully be up before too long, as well.

14 May 2015

Our next song, "What We Need" is recorded and will be up on the site soon - we are currently in the process orf deciding whether to wait to produce a video to go with it, or whether to just put it up. Either way, we will bring it to you soon.

8 Apr 2015

Happy Easter to you all! We hope to have a new song for you soon, entitled "Grace". More about it soon!

29 Jan 2015

"Don't Reject the Stone", our latest song, builds on the juxtaposition of the idea that Jesus, as divine, is Love, since God is Love, and that Jesus is the cornerstone - the foundation on which we need to build our lives, meaning that we need to build our lives on love. There are many other elements of religion that may be useful at times, but not if they take over and obscure this fundamental fact. The argument that Jesus had (in multiple instances) with the Scribes and Pharisees boils down to the issue that they had their priorities wrong. They prioritised the trappings of religion, rules and regulations etc., over the fundamentals of religion - love of God and neighbour - and thus turned religion into a "heavy burden" which they laid on people, rather than Good News, which sets us free. This song reminds us not to do the same.

13 Jan 2015

We have another new song in the pipeline which should be out soon, so watch this space!

30 Dec 2014

You may notice that we have added a youtube channel which now contains videos for our two most recent songs. We plan to add more videos over time. Hope you like them!

28 Dec 2014

Our new song, "We Give You Our Lives" is finally up. It features Paul on lead vocals, with harmonies by John. We hope you not only enjoy it, but are moved by it further along the path of Love.

28 Nov 2014

As we all wait for Jesus to come into our lives anew at Christmas, we have song to nourish us during the wait. Not surprisingly, it's called "Waiting". Enjoy!

24 Sep 2014

We have a new song for you: "Fill Our World Jesus". This song was written by John, some time before his recent trip to the US and Canada. The vocals were laid down by Clare before her recent trip to Fance. However, the mixing process has only just finished. Have a listen - we think it's worth the wait!

21 Jun 2014

Our new song,"Hidden", features Brett & Jenny on vocals (their first time on the FaithSing website). We hope you enjoy it!

1 Jun 2014

We have a new song for you -"Let's share the Good News"! We hope you enjoy it! We also have several other new songs in the pipleline, including "Hidden", which will feature Brett and Jenny on vocals, "Fill our world, Jesus", which will feature Clare on vocals, "We Give You Our Lives", which will feature Alyssa on vocals and "Reach Out", which will feature Jennie on vocals. Tom may also have another song in the pipeline as well, so watch this space!

11 Apr 2014

Easter is approaching fast! In the spirit of Easter, we give you a new song, entitled "New Life", featuring John on vocals. Enjoy!

13 Mar 2014

As we journey together towards Easter, taking stock of our lives so that we may turn more fully to God, we may be more aware of our failings than at other times. It's easy to misunderstand what is required of us, and become like the Pharisees, who fasted with long faces. We explore the idea of Contrition in a new song of that name, just added to our website. It features John on vocals. We hope you like it. We also have some other songs in the pipeline which we hope to get recorded in the near future.

15 Feb 2014

Our new song, "You Carry Me', featuring Clare on vocals, is ready for you to enjoy. Have a listen! We also have another song in the pipeline: "Reach Out", which will feature Jennie on vocals, so come back soon and check it out as well!

14 Jan 2014

Check out our new song, "From Deep Within"! Next month will be the 50th anniversary of the Beatles arriving in the US for the first time and appearing live on the Ed Sullivan show. The Beatles were not a Christian band, but what if they had been? This song is kind of our take on what they might have been playing if they were Christian.

21 Oct 2013

We have another new song for your enjoyment. Based on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, the song "What is Love?" features Clare and John on vocals, and further expands or emphasis on the importance of Love in our lives!

10 Oct 2013

After a bit of a break, we are underway again with a new song, "Let the Light Shine Out". Penned by John, the song features Paul on lead vocals. Enjoy!

21 Aug 2013

In response to some feedback that "Open Your Heart" was difficult to play, the chords have been simplified (It no longer has Eb6/9 in it!). The recording has been updated to the new chords - we think it sounds just as good :) Hope you like it! We also have a couple of new songs in the pipeline, so check back soon.

2 Jun 2013

Our new song "Miracle" is now up on the website! This song, written by John, features Jennie on vocals. Amongst other things, it orients us to the extent of the miraculous in the ordinary.

9 Apr 2013

Our new song, "Feed My Lambs" has just been added to the site. This is one of John's songs - Tom's new song is also still in the pipeline and should be up sometime over the next few weeks, so watch this space!

2 Apr 2013

A Happy, Joyous, Fulfilling and Growthful Easter Season to all of you! We have been busily involved in our community's celebration of Easter, rather than in recording. However, Tom has written a song we plan to record early in May. We look forward to bringing that and other new songs to you before too long.

13 Mar 2013

We've slightly altered and done a remix of a song we originally wrote and recorded several years ago, "We're on Fire". Have a listen and see what you think!

9 March 2013

Our new song, "We Will Remember You", featuring Clare and Tom on vocals, has just been uploaded. It's a bit different, being a song mainly for funerals. That means, of course, that it's a song for all of us, because we are all going to die some time. It's also a song for all of us because we will all have others we love who die some time. We hope to start recording one of Tom's songs (not a funeral song) very soon.

5 Mar 2013

Tomorrow night, we begin the first session for recording our next song. Looking forward to it!

18 Feb 2013

A few other things have gotten in the way, but we are now back to preparing to record a couple of new songs!

29 Jan 2013

Our prayers are with all those affected by floods, tornadoes and storm damage throughout eastern Australia, and also with those affected by fire in other areas.

25 Jan 2013

Apologies to IE users! Apparently a bug on our server has been preventing this site from working properly on Internet Explorer for a while, although it was working fine on other browsers. Hopefully now fixed!

14 Jan 2013

Studio renovations more or less done. We'll be away for a week or two, then may find time for some recording.

7 Jan 2013

We are in the process of some reorganising of the studio at present. Hopefully before too long we'll be ready to begin some more recording!

1 Jan 2013

Welcome to 2013, a year in which we hope to give you lots more free Christian music. We pray that in the process we will all come closer to the Lord and discover more of His plan for us!

26 Dec 2012

Tom has written a new song, which we plan to record in the new year (in addition to the song of John's mentioned previously)

25 Dec 2012

A very joy-filled and growthful Christmas to you all! As Jesus comes anew into your lives, we hope and pray for wonderful things to emerge.

22 Dec 2012

Sometimes we don't fully appreciate our family and friends until they are no longer with us. Hopefully we can all make this Christmas a time of appreciating them while they are still alive

21 Dec 2012

Each of us will die some day. We know that. We also know that those we love will die some day. That can be a difficult time, even though we know they have gone to be more fully with the Lord. The song we plan to record next relates to some of those issues.

20 Dec 2012

The song we will be recording early in the new year is a song designed for a particular kind of occasion.

19 Dec 2012

Some time soon, perhaps early in the new year, we hope to have another new song ready for release. We'll tell you more about it over the coming days.

17 Dec 2012

As Christmas approaches, we pray that, despite the rush to have everything ready for Christmas, despite the horror of the tragedies in the world such as the shooting of children and teachers, despite the complications of organising family get-togethers and despite the agonizing over what presents to get for people, you will find time to prepare a place in your heart for Jesus, so that the dominant element in your Christmas this year may be Love.

15 Dec 2012

Another day, another song! As promised, "In You," featuring Brittany on vocals, has just been added to the site. Take a listen and open yourself to God's grace. May the Spirit guide you as you prepare for Christmas.

14 Dec 2012

"Where's the Love in Your Life", featuring John on vocals, has just been added to the website. This song challenges us to overcome our self-centredness and enter more deeply into the Kingdom of God. We have another song as well almost ready to go, which should be up within the 24 hours or so, so check back for that soon.

7 Dec 2012

"Born to Be Free", featuring Jennie on vocals, has been added to the sight. This song underscores the dignity of each of us in the sight of God, and points to our duty to stand against slavery and traffic in human beings. We also have two other songs close to being ready to add to the site, so check back soon for them!

1 Dec 2012

Jennie begins laying down vocals on Monday for "Born to be free".

25 Nov

We had a great session yesterday in the studio. Brittany put down all the vocals for "In You". It's a matter now of finding the time to mix them!

22 Nov 2012

Brittany will be in the studio putting down vocals for "In You" on Saturday

20 Nov 2012

We hope you like the addition of a daily prayer, scripture reading and brief reflection. The prayer is at the top of the main page. To get to the scripture reading, scroll down past the song list.

18 Nov 2012

Three new songs are on their way, at varying stages of the recording process. They are "Born to be Free," "Where's the Love in Your Life" and "In You"

10 Nov 2012

There are some new songs in the pipeline and we'll have them up as soon as we've finished recording them, so check back soon!

26 Oct 2012

We've added a new feature to the site. The sheet music for each song is now available in two different keys, to make it more likely that you can find one that suits you. We've also upgraded the site to make it hopefully more mobile friendly, for those of you who surf the net on your phones (please let us know if you find any glitches).

7 Oct 2012

Tom's new song, Love, is finally here! Take a listen and enjoy!

29 Sep 2012

John's new song "Keep Swimming" is up and ready for your enjoyment. Tom's song, "Love" is also finished and will be up as soon as the sheet music is done, so check back before too long and have a listen!

16 June 2012

While Tom's song, "Love" is still on the way and will be here soon, we have another of John's songs for you, featuring Marianne on vocals. Take a listen to "Love's Alive" and be sure to check back soon because "Love" is not far away!

27 May 2012

"Open Your Heart", which features Clare on vocals, and is written by John, has just been added. Have a listen! Tom's song, "Love" is still coming, too, and will be up once the harmonies and mixing are completed, so watch this space!

4 April 2012

Featuring Paul on vocals, we have another of John's songs, "Help Me", for you to enjoy. The promised song ofTom's is still in the pipeline, too, Wishing you all a happy and holy Easter.

8 Feb 2012

Another month, Another song! Take a listen to John's new song"Somewhere Deep in my Heart". We're also hoping to have another of Tom's songs recorded sometime soon as well, so watch this space!

7 Jan 2012

Okay, we're on a roll! Another song! John's song"God's Love" featuring Jennie and Paul on vocals is finished and up for your inspiration and enjoyment.

27 Dec 2011

Finally, another song! This is the first of Tom's songs to be featured on this website. We hope you are inspired by "Light". Come back soon for more songs. Wishing you all the joy of the Christmas season and all the best for 2012!

14 May 2010

It's been a while coming, but our new song, "I Believe", written by John, and featuring Jennie on vocals, has finally been completed and is now available for you to enjoy!

17 February 2010

"Lord, Grow Us Some More", featuring Clare on vocals, is complete and available for your enjoyment! Check it out!

7 February 2010

"Fill Me Up" is finished and up on the site for you to enjoy! In the meantime, we are engrossed in recording "Lord, Grow Us Some More", which is coming along well. It features Clare on vocals, and should be ready very soon.

28 January 2010

We are in the middle of recording a new song, "Fill Me Up", written by John, and featuring Jennie on vocals. Watch this space!

11 December 2009

At long last, "You send me out" is finally completed and has been added to the site. Wishing you all a very blessed Christmas. Stay tuned for more Christian music in the new year!

30 July 2009

"Loving Me" is completed and has been added to the site. Enjoy! As mentioned in the last post, we plan to bring you more free Christian music very soon. Stay tuned!

17 July 2009

We are in the midst of recording two new songs: "Loving Me", and "You Send Me Out". The music is basically recorded, so we are nearly ready to lay down the vocals, and then it'll be final mixing... So, hopefully it won't be too long before you get to hear them.

3 May 2009

As promised, another new song has been added: "The Head Needs a Heart", featuring Marianne on vocals. We're sure you'll like it, so take a listen.

1 May 2009

Finally, after much delay, a new song is added to the site again! Sorry to keep you waiting so long! The song, "I Am the Vine", features Jennie on vocals. Check it out. But wait, there's more... another new song is in the final mixing stage, and should be added to the site VERY soon.

1 Jan 2009

Happy New Year to you all. Owing to a variety of commitments, we haven't added any songs to this site over the last few months. We plan to change that as we go into the new year, so watch this space

10 Aug 2008

John has been recovering from a minor injury, and as a result we haven't recorded anything for a while. Hopefully we'll get back to it soon, so watch this space.

29 Mar 2008

Another new Song! Wow! That was quick - we only posted the last one yesterday. This one is called "Beneath the Surface", and looks at the meaning of some of what Jesus had to say in the Sermon on the Mount.

28 Mar 2008

Clare's new song is finished and finally posted on the site! It's called "Your Love" and you would probably not be surprised to know that it's about God's Incredible Love for us.

1 Mar 2008

John's new song Deadwood is finally finished and is right here on the website, so check it out, and tell us what you think. Don't forget to add yourself to the mailing list, so you'll know when the next song is up!

17 Feb 2008

John has written a new song called Deadwood, which we will be recording soon. Clare is making some changes to her new song before we record it. Stay tuned!

5 Feb 2008

The Colour of Jesus, featuring Jennie on vocals, is finished and added to the website, so have a listen and let us know what you think.

Clare has been busy writing a new song which we will no doubt be recording soon, so hey, maybe you'd might to join our mailing list so we can notify you when it's recorded- that way you'll know when to come back and check it out.

27 Jan 2008

Another new song added - another one of John's this time. Genre-wise, this one's what you would probably call "classic rock". The song is called "Hey Lord (I can't do this without You)", and it's all about our total dependence on the Lord for everything, and how easily we can become confused by the world. Check it out!

We will shortly be recording another of John's songs, called "The Colour of Jesus" (apologies to those who live in the North American continent, but those of us who live in Australia spell it that way).

Come back soon and check it out! (Not to mention the other songs that the rest of us are madly writing, which will hopefully be recorded soon)

24 Jan 2008

At last, Clare's new song is finished. Check it Out! You'd be surprised how many times the word "touch" occurs in the Gospels. Jesus not only touched people's lives, but he literally touched them - check out some of the references next to the song Touch in the song list on the right...

In the meantime, we're starting work on some new material. Tell you more about those soon, so keep on loving, and watch this space!

8 Jan 2008

And a happy New Year to you all! We sincerely hope that 2008 may be the year in which you find your feet totally planted on the path that the Lord our Awesome God has mapped out for you in His Wisdom and Love.

We have begun the year by starting recording a new song - one that Clare has written, entitled "Touch". Once the recording is finished, and the sheet music is prepared, we will add the song to this site, so come back often, because it will be here soon [all going well :)- ] and available as another free download...

After, that of course, we'll be recording more songs [we'll tell you more about them later]. So, hey, watch this space!

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